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Welcome back to another, long-awaited, Natural Black Vegan post! Unlike most of the other informative posts here, this one will be all personal. So, if you want to know where I’ve been for the past few months and what’s happening to the blog, then keep reading.
Where Have I Been?
Honestly, I had not even noticed how long it’s been since I posted a blog post until my sister asked me about it this week. Not that I’ve forgotten about Natural Black Vegan completely, but, I started a YouTube channel for this space as well! I don’t know if everyone that reads the blog regularly knows that, but that’s mostly where I’ve been!
I’ve never really been a “writer”, and I felt like my ideas for blog posts were at a halt. My creativity for written posts was weaning, and I was feeling uninspired. With YouTube, I can just pick up my camera and talk, without worrying as much about being informative or staying on a specific topic, so it came naturally to me in a sense. The blog posts made me feel like I could not be as “personal” because the space is more formal, *aesthetic*, and informative, so I also wanted a space where I could showcase my personality and my personal journeys more. And, starting a YouTube channel is hard work! It takes a lot of editing and background work, and it’s not as easy to get viewers on YouTube as it is to get readers on a blog! All that being said, Natural Black Vegan the blog went on the backburner to make room for Natural Black Vegan the YouTube channel to be successful. If you haven’t subscribed to the YouTube channel yet, what are you waiting for? It’s very informative and entertaining, and if you’ve wanted to see me in a more personal light, it’s the perfect place for that!
Other Updates to My Life
Other than starting a YouTube channel, not much has changed in my life! I’m on Summer Break from work, and I’ve just been trying to find balance in my life. If you didn’t know, in August, I’m going into my third year as a third grade ELA paraprofessional, and I love my job! Being a para gives me the best of both worlds because I spend so much time with my students without having to do the extra work of lesson planning, parent teacher conferences, classroom budgets, evaluations, etc. Honestly, the pay isn’t that great, but that’s another great reason to start a blog and YouTube channel!

Over my Summer Break, I’ve been reading, exercising, walking, and balancing my diet (along with spending time with my family and watching Magnolia Network). One big focus of the YouTube channel is my fat loss/body recomposition journey. Basically, I’ve been focusing on strength workouts, eating in a slight caloric deficit, increasing my protein intake, and getting at least 7k steps a day in an effort to lose fat and tone my muscles at the same time. For all the updates on the workout program I’m following and everything this journey entails, make sure you subscribe to the YouTube channel! Or, leave a comment here, and I’ll make sure to come back with a three month update.
Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve also started reading about balancing hormones and something called Cycle Syncing. To summarize, it’s pretty much just eating, moving, and making decisions that align with your hormonal cycle as a woman. Supposedly, syncing your diet, exercise, and lifestyle with your hormones can help with hormone health, weight loss, PMS, stress, and more. The concept is very interesting, and I definitely look forward to implementing it in my life! As I’m writing this, I’ve only been trying the “cycle syncing method” for about 5 days, but I definitely want to review the books I’ve read and give updates here about how it’s going right here on the blog!
The last thing I’ve been up to is revamping my professional wardrobe! Don’t get me wrong–my teacher wardrobe has always been stylish, comfortable, and professional, but I want to elevate my style and make it more mature. (Your girl is approaching 30!) So, I donated half my closet, and I’m in need of new clothes! Expect an update either here or on the YouTube channel after all of my packages have arrived in the mail! If you’re a teacher reading this, where are your favorite places to shop and what are your most comfortable shoes?

Updates to Natural Black Vegan
Now that you know what I’ve been up to and why I haven’t been updating the blog, the burning question remains…what’s going to happen to the blog? Well… is here to stay! I have some creative inspiration back, so I have more posts for the blog! I don’t think I’ll ever get back to the days of having a new post every week, but they will definitely be more frequent than they’ve been in the last few months. Additionally, I am looking for guest writers, so if any Black women want to showcase their website or blog, send me a message here, and we can work something out! I’m also open to doing book and product reviews for Black authors or businesses, so message me for that as well! Overall, I still have natural hair, I’m still vegan, and the content is still flowing!
If you’re still subscribed to the blog, thank you so much for rocking with me, and if you’ve read this far, thank you again! I promise, new posts are coming soon, and don’t forget to check out the YouTube channel and follow me on Instagram for more frequent updates. Love and light to you! 💗

Hi there! I’m new to following this space so I’m glad I found you will still blog. I feel this way myself. Instead of a YouTube I wanted to do podcasts though, I really love the concept. I’m on the wrong device but I hope your blog connects to my wordpress account so I can look into your blog further. It says Myess, but I’m Sol! Lovely meeting you.
Nice to meet you, too Sol! Let me know when you start your podcast so I can check it out!
Congratulations for giving education to us !!!! Allah bless your business !!!