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Words hold so much power. What we say to ourselves molds our thoughts, and our thoughts shape our realities. This principle is exactly why I believe in the power of saying positive affirmations for manifesting. They literally help you vibrate in alignment with your desires because you are speaking as if you already have what you want. So, if you want to attract love, here are 50 affirmations to manifest your soulmate.

I am confident that all that I desire is on its way to me.
I feel emotionally safe in my relationship.
I am divinely guided to my soulmate.
I deserve authentic love.
I radiate love.
Loving relationships come easily to me.
I am loved.
I am so happy and grateful to be in a relationship with my soulmate.
I am a magnet for sacred connections.
I deserve romance and intimacy.

I am loved in my love language.
My heart is open to unexpected love.
I am worthy of a healthy relationship.
I trust that I am in a relationship with the person I am meant to be with.
My partner is my teammate and friend.
I am ready to be loved, and I release any fears or resistance of being loved.
I am the divine feminine.
I am able to give and receive unconditional love.
I have room in my life for my soulmate.
I am lovable and likeable.

I easily attract the love I desire.
I am happy in my relationship.
I am worthy of a soulmate love.
My soulmate is strongly attracted to me.
I am worthy of the highest quality of love.
I am living my dream come true.
I am a magnet to the love that is coming to me by divine right.
I am trustworthy.
I am an amazing partner.
I deserve an abundance of love.

I am open to give and receive love.
I attract only a committed partner.
I am always ready to meet my soulmate.
I have no doubt that my soulmate is on their way to me.
My heart is prepared to receive love.
I am in love with myself.
I deserve, attract, and vibrate love.
I am dedicated to my relationship.
The love of my life is looking for me.
I am in vibration with the frequency of love.

I create positive and supportive relationships.
My heart is open to being vulnerable with someone.
My heart is filled with gratitude.
I feel appreciated by my partner.
I am a forgiving partner.
I am open to new beginnings.
I am confident, charismatic, worthy, and blessed.
My soulmate and I are divinely and infinitely connected
I attract a partner with the same values as me.
I am capable of giving the same love I wish to receive.
I hope you enjoyed these 50 affirmations to manifest your soulmate. Feel free to speak them, write them, or meditate on them whenever your heart desires. If you enjoy affirmations, check out 100 Life-Changing “I AM” Affirmations!

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