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Journaling before bed is a great way to reflect on the day, understand your emotions, and help you sleep. It is also a great way to end the day with gratitude and clear your mind. Here are 10 bedtime journaling prompts to help you do that. All you need is a pen, a notebook, and a cozy seat to get started!

1. Today, I am grateful for…
I like to practice gratitude throughout my day, but I think it is especially important to begin and end the day with gratitude. Why? Because gratitude is one of the main emotions responsible for happiness! So, as you begin your bedtime journaling, write down 1-10 things you are grateful for.
2. My word of the day is _______.
This may seem kind of silly, but coming up with one word to describe your day is really helpful when it comes to self-reflection. And let’s be real–some days it will be a positive word, and some days, it may be…well…not so positive. That’s just real life! But writing these things down can help you reflect on the day and think about what you may want to do differently tomorrow.
3. Emotions I felt today are…
Take this time to dig deep and really acknowledge and honor the emotions you felt during the day, both positive and negative. Let it all out and leave it on the paper. And remember, your feelings are yours. There’s no need for judgment or embarrassment when writing them out!
4. One good thing that happened to me today was…
I love this prompt because even on our worse days, there’s always a little good. Maybe you ate your favorite food or the weather was perfect. Maybe you woke up on time. Maybe you got a compliment from a stranger. Whatever it is, big or small, write down one good thing about your day.
5. The funniest thing I heard today was…
This is one of my favorite bedtime journaling prompts because it always makes me smile. Reliving the funny moments of your day right before going to bed is bound to put you in a good mood! Don’t believe me? Try it for yourself!

6. The most challenging thing that happened today was…
What was the most challenging part of your day? How did it feel? How did you overcome the challenge? How do you feel now? Would you do anything differently? Reflecting on your challenges only helps you do better with future challenges.
7. What do I want to leave here today?
Think of any thoughts, feelings, actions, or ideas that you do not want to carry into tomorrow. Write them down, and leave them here on the paper.
8. What do I want to carry over into tomorrow?
For this prompt, think about all the things that went well today that you want to bring into the next day. Maybe you had good work ethic or went out of your way to be kind to someone. These are the types of habits you want to carry over. Writing them down before you go to bed helps you commit them to your mind, and you’ll be more likely to actually follow thtrough.
9. Today I learned…
I try to learn something new every day, and with this prompt, I can actually commit what I learned to my memory! If you didn’t learn anything new, just skip this one, but commit to learning something new tomorrow!
10. Tomorrow I will…
Of these 10 bedtime journaling prompts, I love to end with this one. What are you committing to do tomorrow? Include whatever you’d like, big or small. This is like a list of little promises you’re writing to yourself. And the best part is, you only have to include promises for the next 24 hours!
Do you have any bedtime journaling prompts to add to this list? Leave them in the comments!

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