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Is anyone else struggling to find happiness while on lockdown or quarantine? The days seem to pass so slowly, and if you’re not working, it can be even worse! Luckily, I have 12 ways to stay happy, occupied, and productive while social distancing. In between washing your hands and not touching your face, here is what you can do.

Practice self-care.

Self-care comes in many different forms. However, self-care is not an excuse to be lazy and let yourself go. In fact, it is the opposite. It includes all the many ways you can take care of and cater to yourself–physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. So, get moving! Keep your area clean, especially if it’s a workspace. Recite and read positive affirmations. Set aside times to pray, meditate, or journal. And lastly, keep it cute! Every once in a while, wear something that makes you feel beautiful. Take an essential oils bath, give yourself a pedicure, do a face mask/scrub, etc. Looking great always helps me feel great!

Eat healthy foods.

You knew this one was coming, didn’t you? I know all too well how easy it is to binge-watch Netflix while eating Oreos, okay? But, we all have to take the time to prepare and eat healthy meals. And it’s really not that hard! You have the time to plan and prepare now, right? So think protein, healthy fats, whole grains, fruits & veggies, and less processed foods. That’s it! And last time I went to the store, nearly ALL of the healthy foods were still on the shelves. So, no excuses sis!

Create a routine.

This is the hardest one for me. In my every day life, I’m all about routine, but when it’s so easy to just wake up whenever and lay around in pajamas all day, routine is hard for me! But some ways to create this routine are waking up and going to sleep at consistent times. For me, this is getting out of bed by 6 am and being back in bed by 10 pm. (I’m an early bird, what can I say?) But, I’m still getting at least 8 hours of sleep. Another aspect of routine is setting a schedule. There should be specific times or days for work, rest, family, exercise, sleep, etc. Consistency is key, and routine definitely keeps me sane and happy.

Limit watching the news.

The news right now is crazy! It is nearly impossible to grab a positive message from it, at least it is when I watch/read it. Thus, to maintain happiness, set a news limit. It can be a time limit, like only 10 minutes in the morning or an article limit, like only 2 articles a day. It’s important to stay informed, but the negativity doesn’t have to control us. What we think is what we become, and constantly seeing negativity will just manifest more negativity. So, turn off the news!

Watch funny videos.

Y’all, I gave in, and I am addicted to the TikTok hype! This app is full of so much happiness, fun, and positivity, and I can’t stay away. Also, the dance challenges keep me moving, and they stimulate me mentally. But if you still haven’t downloaded TikTok, YouTube has a lot of funny videos and old Vine compilations. Netflix is a good place for streaming stand-up routines, too. Basically, just find time to laugh and remember that life is good!

Relax and Recharge.

Sis, take the time to relax and recharge. This first week of being inside, I definitely took the time to rest, and it’s important not to feel guilty about it. We work hard, and we deserve a break. Hey, even God rested on the seventh day, so we can, too. Take a “woo-sah” moment, and come back rejuvenated.

Go outside.

I must admit, I have not done this one yet. I live in Wisconsin, and it is still 35 degrees most days. But if you are able to comfortably, go outside. Get moving, get some Vitamin D, and soak in that fresh air. Just remember to stay at least 6 feet away from any other walkers. And if it’s nice where you are, you can even do and outdoor workout. Biking, hiking, running, and jumping rope are all good, and if you have a partner, frisbee is fun, too!

Reach out to people.

If you’re feeling a bit down, chances are, your friends, co-workers, and family members are, too. During this time, it’s important to be grateful for the love in our lives, so encourage someone, make them laugh, and make sure they’re okay. Trust me, they’ll appreciate it.

Do something you’re passionate about.

If you’re looking for a sign: THIS IS IT! Tackle that passion project gurl! Have you wanted to start a blog? A website? A podcast? A YouTube channel? A coaching business? It’s a great time to start! And even if you can’t leave the house, you can get your entire plan worked out. It’ll stimulate your mind and give you something to be happy and proud about. And when you do, comment down below so I can support you!

Read/Learn something new.

Now is the perfect time to learn something new, and these days, you don’t even need to leave the house to get a new book! There’s,, and Kindle. And don’t forget about the Bible app. This is the best time to read the Word. But, if you don’t like to read, there are tons of audiobooks and podcasts out there. I recommend Audible and Spotify. Let’s say you want to learn a new language…Girl! Duolingo is free! If you want to learn another skill, there are blogs, like Natural Black Vegan and even websites like Udemy, that offer affordable online courses. Now that I’ve given you aaaalll the juice, what’s your excuse?

Listen to great music.

I don’t know about you, but listening to music can change my mood. When I’m feeling down, I love to listen to nostalgic, happy songs, and upbeat playlists that get me pumped. The music platform that I use most is Spotify. They have so many pre-made playlists by artists, genre, and mood, or, you can create your own, like I do! You can even download music or sync it to your SmartWatch so you can have it on the go. So pump up the jams and boost that mood, girl!

Work out!

You knew this one was coming, too, didn’t you? When we step out after this lockdown, we will be in the best shape ever! And there are so many fun ways to work out at home. I have some dumbbells, resistance bands, many bands, ankle weights, jump ropes, hula hoops, bikes, and a balance ball, but no equipment = no problem! Body weight exercises like jumping jacks, squats, crunches, and planks are perfect to slim down! And there are so many free workouts on YouTube as well! I like to watch PopSugar, superherofitnesstv, Tone it Up, and Annabelle Hayes, just to name a few. But, you can also just search for whatever type of workout you’re looking for. You already know the physical and mental benefits, so I won’t even tell you, but get up and get moving! Summer is coming, whether your body is ready or not, okay?

Alright y’all! That’s it. These were my 12 ways to stay happy while social distancing. Which ones are you already doing, and which ones are you going to add? Join the discussion!
