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If you are like me, it’s important to be productive. And although many people spend their Sundays relaxing and binge-watching Netflix, I think Sundays are the perfect days for planning out the rest of the week. And guess what? These 10 things will have your day so streamlined, that you still have time to binge 90 Day Fiance!

Plan out your entire week.

The first productive Sunday task is planning out the entire week. This includes weekly goals, workouts, you time, homework, work tasks, and anything else you can think of! Now, I’m very simple with this, so I just write everything in a notebook, but of course planners, Google calendars, and bullet journals would be perfect for this as well. By writing down everything you want to accomplish that week, you have a better picture. And be sure to keep that plan somewhere that you’ll see it every morning.

Prioritize your to-do list.

Now that you’ve written out every thing you need to do, it’s time to prioritize them. For me, I like to number the items on my to-do list in order of priority. It makes it easy to get started when you know what has to be done first. Another tip is to cross items off of the list as they are completed. Not only can I actually see what’s left to do, but it also makes me feel accomplished as I cross things off.

Plan out meals and grocery shop.

Personally, I eat very specifically. I take one day a week to plan out all my meals and snacks, and make a grocery only according to the things I need. This is the best way to make sure you eat healthily and only have to venture out to the store once a week. And if you really want to be productive, write your grocery list in the order of the store! It will save you so much time, and you are less likely to wander into the aisles with the irresistible snacks (Oreos for me).


Most Sundays, I walk into my bathroom, and my vanity is covered with all of the makeup brushes, bobby pins, and scrunchies that I was too busy to pick up during the week. (It’s a bad habit of mine, but I know I’m not alone). Sunday mornings are the perfect time to tidy up your space! I hate starting a new week in last week’s mess, so cleaning up my mail, work space, and beauty space are one of my biggest productivity tips.

Do laundry.

Laundry is my least favorite chore, but it has to be done. And of course, Sunday is the perfect time. This way, you have all of the clothes you need for the week, and your room is nice and organized! No one wants to worry about laundry after a long day of work, so get it done on Sunday!

Pick out your outfits for the week.

I don’t know about you, but I hate standing in front of my closet saying, “I have nothing to wear”, especially when it’s time to leave the house in 15 minutes. One way to prevent this is to check the weather and your plans, and pick out your outfits for the entire week. I’ll admit, I don’t always take the outfits out of my closet, but I save them mentally or save pictures of the outfits on my phone. Doing this will make your mornings and your entire week easier.

Pray, meditate, or journal.

Personally, I like to do these three things every day (sometimes multiple times a day), but Sunday is the perfect time to get your mind in the right space for the week. I like to pray for guidance and patience for the week, meditate on my intentions, and journal my hopes, goals, and plans for the next 7 days. I just feel like taking the time to be in the right headspace at the start of the week provides me with passion and clarity.


I know I’ve emphasized this in a lot of posts, but self-care is so important! Take the time on Sunday to do some things for yourself. Sometimes, that includes doing an entire pamper routine, and sometimes it is just as simple as going for a 10-minute walk. But, do you, boo! (And if you have extra time, do that full natural hair wash-day routine)


To piggy-back off of that last idea–relax! If you’re anything like me, you’re probably on-the-go Monday through Friday, so save some time for Sunday relaxation! You can’t be productive if you’re tired and stressed, right? And Sundays somehow happen to be perfect for napping. That’s just how the world works.

Get a good night’s sleep.

The final step to having a productive week is getting a good night’s sleep. We all know how important sleep is for overall wellness, so it’s only right to aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep. Mondays don’t have to be horrible, if only we prepare for them in advance.

Sundays set the tone for the rest of the week. It’s important to be productive, but it’s also important to have a positive mindset and do things that make you happy. How do you set up your Sunday for a super productive week?
