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I don’t know about you, but even though summer may be “cancelled”, I still want to be poppin’ whenever quarantine is over! So, I’m doing everything I can to stay in shape! It’s so easy to get lazy and binge-watch Netflix all day while staying at home, but doing that will just leave me with regrets when it is time to pop back out. Think about it: you still want all your favorite outfits to fit, right? So, here is a list of 11 things you can do to stay in shape while on quarantine!

  1. Set goals.

The best way to start anything is to set goals, and I’m not talking about “I want to lose weight”. Okay…that’s just a statement; it’s not really a good goal. To set a good goal, I remember the SMART acronym, meaning a goal should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. Instead of saying “I want to lose weight”, a better goal would be “Lose 5 lbs. by the end of the next 30 days”. This goal meets all of the SMART criteria, it is more short-term, and it is easy to track. Along with this goal, I like to set smaller goals, like things you can do every day to help you achieve this goal. So, I set my smart goals (maybe around 5 of them), write them down, and commit to 5 things I can do every day to help me achieve the goal. Trust me, setting goals is the first thing you can do to stay in shape over quarantine, and for the rest of your life!

how to stay in shape while on quarantine

2. Plan meals and snacks in advance.

This step is specifically for myself. The simplest way to stay in shape or lose weight is not to eat more than you are expending. So technically, if I eat 3,000 calories a day and burn only 2,000 calories a day, I will gain weight. This is why it is important to plan meals and snacks in advance. For me, I make a table in Microsoft Word with all of my meals and snacks for the week. I also use this to do my grocery shopping, as explained in my post 10 Things to Do on Sunday to Have a Productive Week. When I am in the healthy mindset, and I plan for the entire week, it is easier for me to stick to my meal plan. So, even on a Thursday afternoon, I can look to my notes and drink that protein shake instead of eating 3 chocolate chip cookies. Set yourself up for success, and you’ll make it out of quarantine in great shape!

3. Keep binge-worthy snacks out of the house.

This step is simple, but essential, especially for me. I already know that if I bring chips and Oreos into my kitchen, I am not going to be able to eat them in moderation. I can plan, be mindful, and set goals, but those are just treats that I have not mastered portioning, and that’s okay! But if I want to stay in shape, I know it’s best not to buy them. Everyone has weaknesses, and no one is perfect, but I just try to do the best that I can. And I’m not saying these foods are “bad” or that I can’t have treats in moderation. All I’m saying is that I know myself, and I know that there are foods that make me feel like I do not have self-control. If you do too, then maybe consider leaving those foods at the store if you want to stay in shape. When you buy healthy foods, you eat healthy foods!

4. Move every day.

This step is also very simple: move every day. For me, it’s very easy to work on my laptop and realize that it is noon, and I’ve been in the same spot all day. Not only is this horrible for mental health, but it is not great for physical health either! Thus, I make it a goal to move every day. This can be starting my day with yoga, or simply taking a walk at lunch time. Some scientists even believe that moving throughout the day is helpful for the immune system, and we can all use that help right about now! So, remember to get up during the day.

how to stay in shape while on quarantine

5. Plan/schedule workouts.

At the beginning of May, I started the Insanity workout from I do my workout Sunday through Friday at 10:30 am. I have not missed a workout yet! This is because I schedule my workouts for the same time, a time that I know I will not be busy, and I bought the workout program because there is a calendar that tells me exactly what to do each day–no planning on my part. Think about your workouts as important meetings with yourself, and you wouldn’t flake on a meeting with the CEO of your life, would you? Eating and exercising are the key components of a healthy physical life and staying in shape, so commit to working out, even if it is 30 minutes a day for 3 days a week to start. Stay tuned for a post on my favorite FREE at-home workouts!

6. Stay hydrated.

I’m pretty sure this one is self-explanatory…Drink yo water! I love keeping a cute, reusable water bottle with me anyway, so I always drink water. Yeah. Nothing more to say here. You know what to do!

how to stay in shape while on quarantine

7. Eat fruits and/or veggies with every meal and snack.

Fruits and vegetables are essential for getting all of our vitamins and minerals, so I aim to eat a vegetable or fruit with every meal. I typically like fruits with breakfast and snacks and vegetables with lunch and dinner. We’re adults now; we have to make ourselves eat vegetables. C’mon guys! We can do this! In addition to vitamins and minerals, produce provides water and fiber, and we all know the importance of staying regular. Okay, I’ll stop there!

8. Journal/reflect.

I know what you’re thinking, and yes, I do put journaling into almost every blog post in some way. But, I don’t know how else to remember what is working and what isn’t! You already know I journal for mental health and self-care, but you can also journal for physical health. A food journal or a mindful eating journal are both ways to help us stay in shape. I like to keep track of what I eat and how I feel when I eat certain things so that I can notice patterns. Also, part of journaling is reflecting. How do I feel on this exercise program? Am I doing all that I need to do to reach my goals? Why am I self-sabotaging? Do I just lack self control, or is there something deeper? What can I do differently this week that I didn’t do last week? Reflecting on those types of questions is great for your relationship with yourself, but it also helps you to get into or stay in shape. I promise, it works to write to yourself and about yourself. Try it if you don’t believe me!

9. Practice mindfulness.

This piggy-backs off of the last idea. Practicing mindfulness every day is helpful for weight management and having a healthy relationship with food, as well as mental health. I’m not the best at explaining it, so if you’re interested, this article from Headspace describes it perfectly, and it gives some example of mindfulness exercises to try!

how to stay in shape while on quarantine

10. Stretch.

Along with moving and exercising comes stretching. Stretching is beneficial in so many ways, but some of my favorites are: increasing blood flow to the muscles, aiding in muscle soreness, bettering posture, and relieving stress. Stretching helps me stay in shape because I am more likely to workout when my muscles are not in pain. When my body feels good, I’m more likely to move it. Also, stretching is a great time to practice some mindfulness and reflection, too!

11. Sleep.

Resting is just as important (if not more) than moving! And during quarantine, where time has seem to become obsolete, sleeping is harder than ever! Despite that, having a consistent sleeping schedule is important for mental health and staying in shape. Not only is poor sleep a risk factor for obesity, but poor sleep may decrease metabolism and increase appetite, according to science. And just like stretching, sleeping gives your body time to rest and helps your muscles recover. So, just like you would with a toddler, consider putting yourself on a sleep schedule. Your body will thank you!

So, that’s it! Those were my 11 ways to stay in shape while on quarantine! Do you have any to add? How have you been doing these last couple of months? Leave a comment down below!

how to stay in shape while on quarantine