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So, you want to know how to get a snatched waist. But really, who doesn’t? I know I do! And in this post, I’m giving you the deets, do-s, and don’t-s to getting one. Nothing to pay for, no gimmicks, just tips that actually work to get you the snatched waist you want.

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Do HIIT workouts with compound movements.
HIIT, or high intensity interval training, is a type of exercise where you complete exercises at a high intensity for 30-60 seconds, then rest for a short interval of time. It typically involves lots of cardio. These types of workouts are perfect for getting a snatched waist because you are burning fat and working all different parts of your body, including your core! And the reason I say do compound movements is because those are specific exercises that work multiple muscle groups at a time–hence, burning more calories! An example of a compound movement is a squat with a calf raise at the top. This move works your glutes, quads, and calves all at the same time. If you were looking for a guide to getting a snatched waist that was gonna be easy and gimmick-y, you’re in the wrong place! You gotta work here at Natural Black Vegan, okay girl?
Don’t start extreme diets or exercise programs.
Starting extreme is never a good idea. Why? Because it’s difficult to maintain! And honestly, it’s really not necessary! In order to lose body fat and snatch your waist, just try starting with HIIT 20-30 minutes a day, 3-5 days a week. And, HIIT workouts come at all levels! To top it off, there are tons of FREE HIIT workouts on YouTube and Pinterest that are easy to find with a simple search. Now, let’s talk about diet. There is NEVER, I repeat NEVER a reason to start an extreme diet unless you are under the advice of a licensed practitioner. Why? To put it simply, diets suck! They are definitely not fun, nor are they a viable, long-term solution. If you want to see the types of changes you need to make in your diet to get a snatched waist, keep reading.

Do change your plate.
I will NEVER endorse a diet. Mainly because, there are small, simple changes that can make anyone’s eating habits better! The first step is changing your plate. First, make half your plate fruits and/or vegetables. These foods provide you with so many vitamins and minerals, and they contain water and fiber. (And you definitely need fiber if you want a snatched waist). Additionally, they bulk up a meal, making it high in volume without adding a bunch of calories.
The next change is all about protein! Do you get enough? As a woman, especially one who is working out, you need 20-30g of protein per meal. I know it sounds like a lot, but, you want a snatched waist, don’t you? We need all the protein to help repair and rebuild the muscles we’re working in our workouts. And honestly, adding one protein shake a day can help with that. I recommend the Orgain plant-based protein powder. It is dairy-free, not gritty, and delicious. (My code “AJSAVE” gives you a discount on anything on, so check it out!) Personally, I recommend having a quarter of your plate for protein.
There is one more plate quarter left, and I save that one for whole grains and healthy fats. I like a higher fat diet, and I get enough fiber from the veggies I eat, but if you don’t, I recommend filling up most of this last quarter with whole grains like oats, brown rice, and quinoa. Or, you can split it with healthy fats like nut butters, avocado, or seeds. Feel free to switch it up!
So, what are the takeaways? Half your plate with fruits/veggies, 20-30g of protein per meal, and fill in the rest with whole grain carbs and healthy fats. For more tips on changing your plate, check out my post “Calculate Your Own Calories and Macros for Weight Loss”.
Bonus tip: specifically for combatting bloat and getting that waist snatched, watch for sodium, especially in processed foods. High sodium diets can cause the body to retain water weight, especially in the belly, so if you want to keep the waistline trim, limit high-sodium, processed foods.
Don’t cut out carbs.
I still don’t understand why cutting out carbs is a thing! No food group is “bad”, and no food group makes you gain weight, so no food group should be completely eliminated! Not only are carbs your brain’s main/preferred source of energy, but they also fuel exercise and aid in recovery. If you’re working out, you need them! Whole grain carbs also provide the body with calcium, iron, and B vitamins, which are all essential for a healthy, balanced body. Carbs also give us fiber. If we are not getting fiber, we aren’t pooping, and we end up big and bloated…not snatched. So, I urge you please don’t cut out carbs! We need them in order to get that snatched waist we want.

Do drink water.
I am one of those people that always carries a reusable water bottle or tumbler. Not only are they cute, but drinking water can help you get a snatched waist! First of all, drinking enough water helps with bloating and water weight. Contrary to its name, water weight comes from not drinking enough water. And in women especially, that water weight can gather in the abdomen. That’s exactly what we don’t want! Water also helps fill up the stomach, so drinking some before a meal may prevent overeating. And replacing sodas and juices with water can help cut back a lot of calories, resulting in weight loss. Lastly, some professionals believe that drinking enough water every day can increase metabolism, which aids in fat loss, which in turn gives us a snatched waist. See what I did there? But anyway, drink your water. There’s nothing cute about being a thirsty girl!
Don’t fall for gimmicks.
As tempting as the Instagram influencers make it seem, do not fall for the gimmicks! I’m talking about all the tea, waist trainers, and “30 day 6 pack” challenges we see every day. News flash: Those things are NOT going to get you the snatched waist you want! At least, not on their own and not long term. Getting a snatched waist (and keeping it) requires more than anything we can buy online. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. If you really want to know how to get a snatched waist, follow the tips in this post, girl! I’m always going to give you the real tea (no pun intended)!

Do track your progress with measurements.
We see our own bodies every day. So, we may not be able to see the progress we’re making, and that can be discouraging. To combat this, I recommend tracking your progress with measurements. Those inches don’t lie! So every week or two, I measure the parts of my body that I’m working on. In this case, it would be the waist, right above the belly button. This way, I can see what’s been working and what needs to change. But, measuring can be tricky. Use a mirror so you can see that you’re measuring the smallest part of your waist. Measure your waist in the morning, before eating but after pooping. Don’t suck it in or push it out. Take a deep breath in, and measure the exhale. Don’t measure every day (I know, we’re all eager to see progress, but don’t do it). And lastly, don’t measure at that time of the month or after a big meal. Why would you do that to yourself? Just avoid the disappointment.
*Bonus tip: If you’re comfortable, take progress pictures, too! Pictures don’t lie, and they may show things you don’t even notice when you compare them.
Don’t focus on weight.
This one is hard, even for me. It’s so easy to get on the scale every day and obsess over the number. I know those feelings all too well. But, if the goal is to get a snatched waist, it’s all about the inches, or the measurements. And although the scale accurately measures your weight, it may not accurately measure your progress. Think about it: 150 lbs. of fat looks a lot different than 150 lbs. of muscle even though they technically weigh the same. So, ditch the scale, or use it sparingly and with a grain of salt. (Did you think I was gonna say cut out the scale cold turkey? I can’t give you advice I won’t take!)
Do love your body at every stage.
This tip is last because it is the most important. If you do not love your body, you will never be satisfied. And, I want you to truly and fully love yourself…your whole self. One way I learned to do this is by looking at my body and repeating positive affirmations to myself (either out loud or in my head). You can do this while showering, exfoliating, moisturizing, or getting dressed. Our brain processes things faster than we can say them, so speaking and thinking positivity over ourselves is key to loving our bodies. To start, try “I love what I see in the mirror. I am grateful for my body and all it can do. I am healthy and strong. I love fueling my body with healthy and delicious foods, and I make choices that serve my body well.” Even if you don’t believe all of these quite yet, you will! It takes work, repetition, and consistency, but loving your body is more important than having a snatched waist, six pack, or flat stomach. PERIOD!

Whew! Those are all the tips I have for how to get a snatched waist! As always, feel free to take only what you need, and leave the rest. If any of these resonated with you, feel free to leave a comment, or message me on my Instagram. Stay well, and stay happy! 💖

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