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For as long as I can remember, I’ve loved the moon. (Maybe because I’m a Cancer). And I 100% believe that I am connected to and influenced by the moon. I think we all are to some extent! The moon controls the rise and fall of the tides in the ocean, so why wouldn’t it affect us in some way? One of the main ways I lean into this connection is by journaling with the moon phases. Basically, I reflect on specific aspects of my life depending on what phase the moon is in. It’s easy, fun, and insightful, and it helps with the Law of Attraction and manifestation.

journaling with the moon phases

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Benefits of journaling with the moon phases

There are so many benefits to moon journaling. For one, it helps to track patterns. Once I started journaling with the moon, I noticed that I am very moody when the moon is in the First Quarter, and I have a hard time sleeping during the Full Moon. Moon journaling also helps me feel closer to God and the universe. I feel like I am part of something bigger than myself–something that all forms of life can connect to. Lastly, moon journaling helps me with the Law of Attraction. Certain moon phases are illuminated times for intention setting, manifestation, and release. You’ll see what I mean later.

What you’ll need

To start journaling with the moon phases, all you’ll need is a journal, a lunar calendar, and a pen. That’s it! I use a moon calendar app, which is easy to find with a quick search, Or, you can Google one and print it out. As far as a journal and a pen go, I just use whatever I have around me. I buy most of my journals from TJ Maxx, Ross, or Home Goods, and I just use a regular pen. Easy peasy!

How to journal with the moon phases

Okay, now that you know all the benefits of journaling with the moon phases and you have all of your materials, it is time to begin. Each phase has its own energy, or as I like to call it, moon magick. So, here are some prompts, reflection questions, and affirmations to keep you on track for each phase!

New Moon

The New Moon is kind of like a fresh start. This is the perfect time to set intentions for the upcoming lunar cycle.

*I am grateful for…

*My intentions for the next four weeks are…

*What do I want to manifest this month?

*How will it look and feel when I’ve manifested it?

*What previous intentions do I need to let go of?

*How can I experience more joy this month?

*Affirmations: All that I need to know is revealed to me now. I let go of my urge to make it happen and allow it to come to me in the fastest and easiest way possible. I trust Divine timing, and invite abundance into my life.

Waxing Crescent Moon

The Waxing Crescent Moon is when the moon starts to gain power, and so do you. It is the perfect time to step into your confidence and plan how you are going to achieve your goals.

*I am grateful for…

*What am I doing to work towards my intentions?

*What can I remove to make room for the new?

*What are my strengths and how can I use them to work towards my visions?

*Affirmations: I am confident. I am a powerful warrior. I am headed in the right direction.

First Quarter Moon

The First Quarter Moon is the time for action! This is the time to do the work and move in the right direction. This is also a good time to re-examine your intentions and their importance. Remember why you started.

*I am grateful for…

*What actions have I been taking to achieve my goals?

*What are inner roadblocks, fears, and anxieties that I have, and how can I let them go?

*Am I on target? If not, what changes do I need to make?

*Who can I ask for support?

*Affirmations: I am committed to my intentions. I am confident in my decisions, and I am choosing what aligns with my best self. I can achieve my goals with creativity and enthusiasm.

Waxing Gibbous Moon

The Waxing Gibbous moon is the time to trust that your intentions will be cultivated. It is the time to have trust and faith in God/The Universe/whatever you believe in. Be confident that you will be provided with exactly what you need. Continue taking the necessary actions to move in the right direction, and practice feeling your intentions coming to fruition.

*I am grateful for…

*How will it feel when my intentions manifest?

*What action steps do I need to take in order to achieve my desires?

*Am I walking in alignment with the life I envision for myself? If not, what can I change?

*Affirmations: I trust in God/The Universe to provide me with exactly what I need. I am in alignment with God/The Universe. I move forward with confidence, commitment, and creativity. I trust that I will see the fruits of my labor.

Full Moon

The Full moon is the time where the moon is in its fullest, most powerful phase, and the moon energy is strong! This is the time to acknowledge and be grateful for what is serving you and to release that which is no longer serving you. This is also the perfect phase to open yourself up to receive your previous intentions. The Full Moon is my favorite time for both reflecting and manifesting. I have an entire Full Moon ritual as well! Leave a comment if you want a post dedicated to it!

*I am grateful for…

*What has served me in life most recently?

*What am I most proud of so far this lunar cycle?

*What am I ready to release?

*What will my life look and feel like once they are gone?

*What am I now ready to manifest?

*Affirmations: I am walking in alignment with what God/The Universe wants for me. I release what no longer serves me in order to make room for what is meant for me. I trust that I am on the right path to obtaining the love, abundance, and growth that is mine by Divine right. I have faith that I will receive everything in Divine timing.

Waning Gibbous Moon

The Waning Gibbous moon is the time to reflect on this lunar cycle. This is the time to turn inward with prayer and meditation. Reflect on your intentions and give gratitude for all that has been granted to you thus far. Celebrate the abundance that has been manifested thus far, and prepare to move forward with ease and grace.

*I am grateful for…

*What have I enjoyed about this lunar cycle?

*What revelations have been revealed to me thus far?

*How can I take care of myself?

*In what ways am I growing?

*Affirmations: I celebrate all that I have accomplished. I have an inner joy that cannot be taken from me. I love and accept myself unconditionally. . I am wise and abundant.

Third/Last Quarter Moon

The Third/Last Quarter moon is the time to release. Reflect on this entire moon cycle, and continue to let go of what is no longer serving you. Be grateful from all you have learned thus far, and use it to go forward.

*I am grateful for…

*What have I learned about myself this lunar cycle?

*What negative energy is weighing me down, and how can I leave it in the past?

*What bad habits are blocking me from my fullest potential? How can I release them moving forward?

*Affirmations: I release old energy and anything that is weighing me down. I am not my bad habits, and they are no longer part of who I am. I embody potential. I accept and release the not so great parts of the past few weeks, and I see them as opportunities for growth.

Waning Crescent Moon

The Waning Crescent moon is the time for relaxation and restoration. Practice self-care, nurture yourself, recharge, and focus on bringing in positive energy. This is the final “release” stage, so it is also a good time to prepare new intentions to be planted. Release any final roadblocks holding you back so that you can move into the New Moon refreshed and with an open heart.

*I am grateful for…

*How do I feel overall about this lunar cycle?

*What activities bring me the most joy and positivity?

*I will show myself love by…

*Affirmations: I am grateful for all the experiences that have made me whole. I love and care for myself. I appreciate the journey, and I know that my negative experiences were all chances for growth. I have come so far. All is well.

how to start a moon journal, journaling with the moon phases

Whew! Those are my prompts, reflections, and affirmations to help you with journaling with the moon phases. If you use any of these, please share with me by leaving a comment here, or reaching out on my Instagram, here. I’m sending you positive vibes, love, and light on your journey. Stay blessed, friends. 💖

how to journal (and manifest) with the moon, journaling with the moon phases