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Learn how to make a Vision Board that actually works! With this guide, you can finally learn how to manifest everything you want into your life–love, abundance, career success, and anything else you can imagine! In this post, I tell you how YOU can co-create your dream life with a vision board!

How to make a vision board that actually works and use it to manifest your dream life Pinterest pin

What is a vision board?

A vision board is a collage of pictures, words, and affirmations that you want to manifest or achieve. A vision board helps to drive intention to your desires, maintain focus on your goals, and remind you of what you want your dream life to look like. A vision board could be things you want to achieve in the near future, or it could be a 5-year plan. Hey, you can even have a specific board like a wedding vision board or a dream home vision board. All that matters is that it serves as a tool to help you feel and visualize your desires.

Why make a vision board?

Not only does a vision board help you set concrete goals, but it is also a powerful manifestation tool. Thoughts become things, and a vision board is the ultimate visualization tool! Seeing reminders of your dream life every day helps you focus on your goals and connect positive emotions to them. By doing this, you are reprogramming your mind and attracting the things on your vision board into your life.

Do I use a vision board?

The short answer–YES! I have been making a vision board every year since 2020, and it has helped me co-create my dream life! Just as on my vision board, I have attracted YouTube success and a whole new career! My vision board has also helped me stick to goals such as journaling, growing in my faith, and reading more. The power of this tool is UNMATCHED!

How to make a vision board

Determine a timeframe

First, decide on a timeframe for your vision board. Are these things you want to manifest this year, within the next five years, by age 30? It’s your board, so it can be whatever you want–just make sure to decide before starting your process. Personally, I like to create a vision board at the start of every year for the next year, but that’s just me! Giving myself 365 days to achieve my goals works for me!

Decide if you want a general board or a topic-based board

I talked about this a little already, but a vision board can be general or topic-based. A general board would have all of your goals on it–career, love, car, home, etc., while a topic-based board would only focus on one of your goals, like what you want your dream house to look like. And remember, there’s nothing wrong with having more than one board! You can have a “2025 Vision Board” and a “Future Dream Home” vision board. As with anything else, it’s personal and customized to fit your life, so do it how you want!

Set goals

What is it that you really want? That is what you need to put on your vision board. When I set goals, I like to meditate, visualize, reflect, and journal. The Law of Attraction works with specifics, so you have to go deep and get clarity on what you really want. And be comfortable dreaming big! Go full out! What brings you happiness? What does your dream life look like? Why do you want these things? And once you can answer all of these questions, associate feelings to your goals. When you think about what you are going to achieve, you should feel something–a sense of joy and immense happiness should well up inside of you. Or maybe you get chills or just become emotional. Either way, when you think about your dream life, feel your dream life. This is really the key to manifesting your desires. Train your mind, heart, and body to feel the feelings of having these things, and they will come to you.

Connect your vision board to your faith

As a Christian, I do believe that I can still have a vision board that aligns with my faith. For example, my vision board includes prayers and scriptures, and as I look at it throughout the year, I pray over it, and ask God to align me with my goals and plans. At the end of the day, I owe EVERYTHING to Him, so He is a huge part of every aspect of my life. The Bible says in Habbukuk 2:2-3, “Write down clearly on tablets what I reveal to you, so that it can be read at a glance. Put it in writing, because it is not yet time for it to come true. But the time is coming quickly, and what I show you will come true. It may seem slow in coming, but wait for it; it will certainly take place, and it will not be delayed.”

Decide if you want a physical or a digital board

A physical vision board is something you make with paper and supplies–a poster, bulletin board, or bullet journal with pictures you print or get from magazines. This is a board you can hang on your wall or keep in your room. A digital board would be something on your phone or computer. I personally like digital boards because I am on my phone and computer a lot and I don’t like craft projects. A digital board can be as simple as a Pinterest board that you look at every day. Or, you can use a website like Canva to create a collage of images online. I like to use Canva because you can make a board that looks just like a physical board with a collage of words and images that you place wherever you want. Canva also has a variety of free images and templates that you can use, so I 100% recommend this site for making a digital vision board.

Find a place to keep your board

A vision board is a visualization tool–it only works if you look at it! This isn’t a craft project that you make and stash away somewhere, never to be seen again. Thus, you have to keep your board somewhere where you can see it often. This is why I prefer a digital board! I can set it as my wallpaper on my phone and computer and see it daily. But, if you create a physical board, hang it somewhere or keep it in your planner, not behind the bed! Remember, visualization is key!

Find images

You can find images anywhere! They can be printed or cut from magazines, or they can be digital, like pictures from Pinterest or the Internet. All that matters is that they relate to your goals and evoke feelings within you. Be intentional with the selection of your images. When you look at them, you should feel like you’ve already manifested your goals. You can even speak your intentions aloud over your images to fill them with your energy. I also like to include words and phrases on my vision boards because some things are hard to capture in an image–things like faith, practice kindness, gratitude, confidence. Words have power, too, so add some to your board! And lastly, don’t overcrowd your board. You should be able to fully see all of your images, not have them layered on top of one another. If this board is a representation of your dream life, you don’t want it to be cluttered and overwhelming! Sometimes it takes some revision, but make sure the board is filled, not overfilled!

Have fun and be creative

Creating a vision board should be fun! Put positive energy into the process! Express yourself and make it your own! Although I consider my vision board to be private and personal, some people even have vision board parties where they create their boards with their friends. Whatever makes you feel happy, fun, and creative, do that!

How to use your vision board

I’ll say it again: vision boards are visualization tools. So, look at your board as often as possible for inspiration. Feel and think as if these things have already happened. Picture yourself at your dream job, on that vacation, with that soulmate, in that new house. It’s already yours! And when you have manifested them into your life, look back at your board like, “I did that!”, and show gratitude. Remember, gratitude is the most powerful force for manifestation. The feeling of being grateful attracts things to you.

You can also use your board to help you repeat or write affirmations. For example, if you have a picture of your dream job, you can say: “I am grateful to be at my dream job. I feel so much joy when I get to go to this job every day. This opportunity came to me so easily because I deserve it and I attract abundance. I am grateful to God for giving me my dream job.” Words have power, and combined with visualization, you can really create your dream life!

Lastly, revise and redesign. When you reach goals or at the end of a timeframe, redesign! Things change and so should your board. When you grow, set bigger goals! Always be grateful and positive when it comes to your board. Be careful of the energy you put into it. And congratulate yourself when you manifest your goals! Celebrate and recalibrate!

How to make a vision board that actually works and use it to manifest your dream life Pinterest pin

Now that you know how to create a vision board that actually works, I hope you can create your dream life and manifest everything you desire! It’s already yours!
