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Every day across social media, I see more and more people getting into meditation, and that is really exciting! But, meditation is a very personal experience, and there are so many different ideas about how to do it. Thus, it’s kind of hard to get started. These six tips are not guidelines by any means; they are just things that helped me as a beginner. This is how I meditate at home. As always, take what you need, and leave the rest.

Choose a space, and make it comfortable.
For me, consistency with space was a major key for getting into meditation. I wanted to find a place in my home where it was quiet and I could be alone. This turned out to be my bathroom! I know it may sound weird, but it is the perfect space for alone time and deep thought. And with whatever space you choose, make sure it’s comfortable. You’re gonna be there a while! For me, this includes gathering incense, candles, crystals, and turning off the lights. But, it could also include cushions/pillows, a yoga mat, blankets, comfy clothes, and whatever else you need to get into a meditative space. Just don’t get too comfortable that you fall asleep!
Choose a position.
A lot people recommend meditating sitting cross-legged. But, I just don’t find that comfortable! And I don’t think there is just one way to meditate. I like sitting upright with my feet on the ground and laying down. Surprisingly, laying down on my back is my favorite position for meditating! I feel relaxed and grounded and it is easier for me to focus on the rise and fall of my chest when laying down. Meditation is a deeply personal experience, so choose the position that works for you. And don’t let anyone tell you it’s wrong!

Meditate at the same time every session.
As with any routine, consistency is key. Thus, when beginning to mediate, I recommend meditating at the same time every session. For example, I try to mediate once or twice a week at 6 am. This is the time where I am awake, I am calm, and my house is quiet! Morning meditation sets the tone for my day and gives me an overall sense of calm. It also pairs well with my prayer and journaling routines. But, morning, noon, or night, try to meditate at a consistent time.
Try out different types of meditation.
There is no “right” way to meditate, and there are so many different styles! I personally love guided moon meditations on YouTube, but some people like focusing on the breath, meditating with yoga, or repeating mantras. Heck, I’m sure you could even combine them! Just experiment until you find something that works for you! (Tip: searching on YouTube for things such as “10 Minute Guided Meditation” or “Beginner Meditation for Focus” is a good place to start)

Eliminate distractions.
Meditation is all about focus. And in today’s world, there are so many distractions! But when meditating, you have to eliminate as many of them as possible. This means putting your phone in Airplane mode, telling your housemates to leave you alone, and maybe even wearing headphones like I do! This is another reason why it’s important to find a comfortable space, too. I wouldn’t be able to focus on my breath in an uncomfortable chair! Eliminating distractions is one of the major keys to having a successful meditation practice.
Allow yourself some grace.
Meditation is not easy by any means. You will get distracted. There will be times when you just can’t get into it at all. That is perfectly normal! If you allow yourself some grace, you’ll get better. Try starting with just five minutes, and work your way up. It’s called a meditation practice for a reason!

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