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It’s about to be summer, and to me, that means it’s box braids season! I love being able to tuck my hair away when it’s hot and not have to worry about swimming, sweating, or getting my hair wet. But what I don’t love is frizzy, unkept styles, so in this post, I’m sharing how you can make your box braids last longer! For more tips on protective styling, check out this post!

Don’t over-style your braids.
As tempting as it is to style your braids in high buns and ponytails, overstyling them can cause breakage and pull on the front braids, making them look grown out. Wear the braids down every once in a while, and if you do style them, take them down as soon as you get home to give your edges a break.
Don’t do your edges every day.
This is a given with any natural hairstyle, but DON’T do your edges every day! Not only can it cause breakage, but it can also cause product to build up at the roots of the braids, making them look white and dirty. Embrace your natural edges, girl! And if you sleep with a scarf, they won’t even get that bad!
Wash off old edge control.
To piggyback off of the last tip, make sure you’re washing out old edge control. I hate when I see someone with a cute protective style, but there are just gobs of white edge control around the edges. When I wash my face, I make sure to get some warm water on my edges and gently rub them with my fingers to get out the old edge control. Leaving all of that gunk on your edges not only looks bad, but it can cause breakage, especially if you keep adding more product. This tip is a super easy way to make your box braids last longer!
Wash/clean your hair and scalp.
A lot of people skip this when they have braids and protective styles, but it is still so important to cleanse your hair and scalp! You can do this by diluting a regular shampoo, using a cleanser specifically for braids (like this one by Cantu), or by using a dry shampoo. By cleansing regularly, you are removing buildup, keeping your scalp healthy, and taking care of your real hair. And, if you’re wearing a protective style to promote hair growth, a clean, healthy foundation is key. So, don’t skip wash day!
Use a styling mousse.
If you want to keep your braids looking shiny and tidy, I suggest using mousse. Most braiders add mousse when they’re finished styling, but it is also good to use for maintenance, especially after washing. And to make mousse even more effective, you can set it with a satin scarf or sit under a dryer.
Oil your scalp.
This is something we should all do regularly, but don’t forget to oil your scalp, especially if you are prone to itchy scalp like me. I love a good peppermint oil scalp massage, but feel free to use any of your favorite oils, like lavender, sweet almond, vitamin E, jojoba, and more. Scalp massages and certain oils are great for promoting hair growth, and I have a post all about how to use oils on natural hair that is a great read! Oiling your scalp will make your box braids last longer because it reduces the amount of dandruff and flaking on the scalp, which makes the braids look old. I oil my scalp every few days, when it feels dry, after wearing tight buns, and after washing. Tip: Always remember to use a carrier oil with essential oils.
Protect your hair at night.
I mention this tip in all of my natural hair posts, but you HAVE to protect your hair at night if you want healthy hair! I’m talking scarf, bonnet, satin pillowcase, something! And when it comes to making box braids last longer, wearing a scarf to bed helps lock in moisture and prevent frizz. Trust me, no one wants frizzy braids.
Dip the ends again.
Another way to make your box braids last longer is to dip the ends of your braids in hot water again. Most braiders dip the ends in hot water to seal them, but it also makes the ends look polished, uniformed, and less frizzy, which is perfect for making them look new again. And if you frequently wash your braids or leave them hanging out of your scarf at night, dipping them again really helps!
Re-braid the perimeter.
My last tip to make your box braids last longer is to re-braid the perimeter. This is really the last thing you can do before you take your braids down. And if you don’t know how to braid yourself (you should really learn though), a lot of braiders charge a smaller amount to re-braid the perimeter for you. When the perimeter is redone, you can still rock ponytails and buns and no one will know what the inside is looking like! #BlackGirlMagic
These are my tips for making box braids last longer! For more tips on protective styles, check out 11 Tips for Protective Styles, and if you’re in need of new hair products, check out My Holy Grail Natural Hair Products. Be sure to leave a comment telling us your tips for making protective styles last longer!

Thanks for mentionig that you need to protect your hair at night. My daughter wants to get box braids for the first time for her birthday. She’s hoping to visit a black-owned salon to make it happen!
Thanks for mentioning that you need to protect your hair at night. My daughter wants to get box braids for the first time for her birthday. She’s hoping to visit a black-owned salon to make it happen!