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Do you believe any of these natural hair myths? Keep reading to find out!

Now more than ever, there is so much information available about natural hair! Of course, this is a good thing, but, this also makes it easy to get lost in the sauce! With different opinions, misinformation spreads, and it’s hard to tell what’s true and what’s not. Luckily for you, I’m here to debunk eight natural hair myths. Leave a comment at the end of the post: How many did you think were true?
#1: Dirty hair grows better.
Growing up, this was a myth I heard ALL the time! But, it is simply not true! All hair (regardless of texture) needs to be washed regularly in order to maintain the health and integrity of the hair and scalp. Not washing your hair can lead to dryness, dullness, and product buildup. And if product builds up on the scalp, it’ll really be hard for hair to grow! So, if you want to grow long natural hair, wash it regularly with a shampoo, co-wash, or gentle cleanser. I recommend Maui Moisture cleansers, the Shea Moisture JBCO shampoo, the ion Hard Water shampoo, and the EDEN BodyWorks Coconut Shea Cowash.
#2: Having natural hair is expensive.
If you watch a lot of natural hair influencers, it’s easy to think that natural hair is expensive, but in reality, no one needs a bunch of high-end products! I know firsthand how easy it is to become a product junkie, but you really only need the necessities that work for your hair. And if you want to try some high-end products, Ulta Beauty and Sally Beauty often have great BOGO sales! Here are My Holy Grail Natural Hair Products and My Top Natural Hair Products of 2021!
#3: You have to do protective styles if you want long hair.
This is an old natural hair myth, but it is not true either! Although protective styles can help with over-manipulation and keep the ends tucked away, your hair can definitely grow long and healthy without them. Another caveat to this myth is that natural hair still has to be maintained, cleansed, and taken care of even with a protective style. It’s not just an excuse to completely neglect your hair and scalp! For more tips on how to maintain protective styles correctly, read 11 Tips for Protective Styles and Make Your Box Braids Last Longer.
#4: Natural hair is strong.
This is one of the natural hair myths that I believed for a long time! In fact, it’s quite the opposite! Although our kinks and curls are usually thicker, the S and Z patterns actually make the strands more prone to snapping or popping. This is why we need to be careful with our strands by using our fingers or wide tooth combs to detangle, avoiding harsh treatments, and avoiding over-manipulation. This is also why we need to get trims as needed. Some breaking and split ends are bound to happen, so be sure to trim them before they travel up the hair strand!

#5: You can repair damaged hair with a product.
Once natural hair is damaged, there is no product that can fully repair it. This includes chemical damage, heat damage, and split ends. Of course, there are some treatments that can help damaged hair look a little better, but there is no way to actually repair the chemical bonds in the hair that have been broken. Instead, a trim or cut is the only way to remove damaged hair.
#6: You shouldn’t straighten natural hair.
There are some who believe that straightening natural hair causes damage. Although heat can sometimes cause damage, if done correctly, it is just fine! I personally blow dry my hair before protective styles, and I get the occasional silk press. Who cares? Natural hair is just that versatile! There are also some who believe that straightening natural hair goes against “the movement”. My response to that is: the way my hair grows out of my scalp is not a movement. It’s just me. Also, do what you want with your hair, and I’ll do what I want with mine!
#7: Oil is a moisturizer.
OIL IS NOT A MOISTURIZER!!! This long-lived myth is one that is easily debunked by science. We all know that oil and water don’t mix, and since water is moisture, how could oil be? Some naturals use oils to seal in the moisture that they add to their hair, while some claim that oils attract dirt and don’t use them at all. Personally, I don’t like to use oils directly on my high porosity hair, but do you! (As long as you know that oil is not a moisturizer) Want to know how to use oils in your haircare routine? Check out this post!
#8: Curl pattern is important.
When it comes to maintaining healthy natural hair, curl pattern is one of the least important aspects to worry about. I know when I first went natural, I went on YouTube trying to find and copy the routines of ladies whose hair looked like mine. I was so confused when it didn’t work, but I now know that curl pattern is not important! Porosity and density are so much more important when developing a natural haircare routine because they help determine hair’s behavior with certain products and procedures. The last thing I have to add about curl pattern is that all patterns are beautiful, so be sure to embrace yours!
Which of these natural hair myths did you believe? Are there any I missed? Drop them in the comments! For more natural hair tips, enter your email and subscribe to so you don’t miss any new posts!