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I love reading when other bloggers get personal and tell their readers about themselves, and it just hit me…I’ve never done a blogger tag! I found this fun one from Julie on, and I decided to try it out. Let’s make this post a fun one. Leave some of your responses in the comments!

1. Do you have any nicknames?

Not really. Sometimes my sister calls me AJ, and one of my friends calls me Gelli, but other than that, I’m not really a nickname person. I would get really annoyed if someone called me Ang or Angie!

2. Are you named after anyone?

My mom chose my first name after the actress Anjelica Huston, and my middle name is after my aunt.

3. Do you have any siblings?

Yes! I have one younger sister that is my best friend. We live together and work together, and you’ve definitely seen her pictures on some of my blog posts!

4. Where did you grow up?

I grew up in Milwaukee, WI, and it’s the only place I’ve ever lived! I love it here because there’s so much to do, we’re right on Lake Michigan (amazing tap water), there are so many rivers and parks, the sports are great (Bucks in 6), and we have all four seasons!

5. What activities did you do in high school?

Oh boy! I did a lot of activities in high school! Let’s see…I was in marching band, orchestra, Key Club, Link Crew, National Honor Society, and Medical Science Club. At my church, I was a member of two choirs, volunteered with another choir, and taught arts and crafts for Vacation Bible School. I was a very busy bee!

6. Where did you go to college?

For undergrad, I went to Alverno College, a small, all women’s, liberal arts school in Milwaukee. Then I got my Masters at Rosalind Franklin University in Illinois.

7. What activities did you do in college?

I was on the dance team, acted as a peer mentor, did private tutoring, and worked in the math and science resource center. I also played the flute in the winds ensemble for one year.

8. What did you study in college?

I studied Biology and Mathematics, and I was actually Pre-Med! Then, I got my Masters in Health Promotion and Wellness. But, math has always been my favorite subject in school!

9. What was your first job out of college?

Surprisingly, after grad school I served as a reading tutor with AmeriCorps for three terms. This was really my first job, and it led into what I’m doing now. I enjoyed working one-on-one with students, and it was similar to all of the tutoring I did in undergrad. Now, I work at the same school in which I served my AmeriCorps terms!

10. What kind of music do you like?

I listen to many genres of music, but as odd as it may be, Christmas music is my favorite thing to listen to! I listen to it year-round because it fills be with such joy and hope! Outside of that, my favorite artists are Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder, Whitney Houston, Kehlani, H.E.R., Ariana Grande, Meg Thee Stallion, Drake, Luke Bryan, and Dan & Shay. (I told you…I listen to a lot of different genres!)

11. What’s one hobby that you’d like to take up?

When I’m interested in something, I usually figure out a way to start doing it, so one hobby I’m starting to get into is learning about Tarot. I have some cards, and I pull for myself and my family as a way to practice and get to know the cards. I’m just fascinated by it! Also, I don’t know if this counts as a hobby, but I’m also looking into studying about holistic herbs, specifically ones for women’s health.

12. What did you think you wanted to be when you grew up?

Pretty much all of my life, I wanted to be a doctor, hence studying Pre-Med in college. But, as I realized how many years of school it would take and how hard I’d have to study for the MCAT, I took a different path. And now, I’m in education! But, as a child, I wanted to be an OB/GYN because I thought it would be fascinating to deliver babies. I think it’s so funny to see how the Lord moves me and works in my life to lead me into the places I’m meant to be in. I have absolutely no doubt that I am meant to be in education right now, so I’m grateful everything else didn’t work out! 🙌🏼

13. What’s the biggest project on your to-do list right now?

Right now, I’m about 3 days out from the first day of school, so there are so many projects on my to-do list! I literally cannot even choose one!

14. Do you have any irrational fears?

Oh boy! I have so many lol. But, I would say that driving is my biggest one. I still do not have my license, and every time I think about getting it, I just get so much fear and anxiety!

15. Have you ever traveled outside of the country? If so, where?

You know how I mentioned having a lot of irrational fears? Well, another one of them is flying, so I have never been to another country. In fact, the farthest I’ve ever been from Wisconsin is Mississippi, and it was a road trip!

16. When’s your next vacation, and where are you going?

Because of the pandemic, I haven’t been on vacation in a little over two years, and with the way things are still going now, I don’t have anything planned.

17. Do you speak any other languages?

Even though I am half Puerto Rican, I only speak some Spanish. I studied it throughout high school, and I’m still learning it now with the Duolingo app. My Spanish isn’t half bad!

18. What’s one talent you wish you had?

I really wish I could swim! I never learned as a child, and I still don’t know how! I love being in the water though, as long as it’s only 4′ deep!

19. What’s something that you wish you could do one more time?

There are a few things. For one, both of my grandparents that I was really close to passed away, and I wish I could talk to them again. Of course, they come to visit me in dreams, scents, synchronicities, and other messages, but to physically talk to them and touch them would be amazing. The other thing is, I wish I could go inside of my old elementary school again. It was so beautiful, whimsical, and nostalgic. My mom attended the school, and I was there from K4 through fifth grade, but sadly it closed down a couple of years after I left. The building is still there, and I drive past it all the time, wishing I could just walk the halls one more time.

20. If you weren’t in your current job, what would you be doing?

Honestly…I couldn’t even tell you! It’s so crazy that I ended up in a classroom with 25 eight year-olds every day, and I never thought I’d be here! So, only the Lord knows where else I’d be! But, I’m assuming I’d probably work in healthcare somewhere since that coincides with my educational background. I also love fitness, so I could see myself being some kind of fitness or nutritional coach!

Well, that’s the end of the tag! I hope you enjoyed getting to know me, but now it’s your turn! Leave your answers in the comments, or write your own post answering the questions! Again, thanks to Julie from Running in a Skirt for this fun survey!
